In der Tat haben wir unser gesamtes Kapital, unser Vermoegen bereits in die Entwicklung der La Source Naturacademie investiert.
Dazu gehoeren unsere Naturtalente, unsere Faehigkeiten, unsere Lebenserfahrung sowie unsere phaenomenalen Erkenntnisse, die wir - aufgrund unserer eigenen persoenlichen Entwicklung- in den Bereichen Bewusstheit, traditionell-ganzheitlicher Gesundheits-und Heilmethoden, moderner medizinischer Gesichtspunkte und u.a. - auf den Gebieten der Antroposophie, der Homoeopathie, der Quantenphysik, schamanistischer Heilweisen, erlangt haben.
Das wir ALLES im Zusammenhang sehen und deshalb oekonomische, oekologische, sozial- ethische und nachhaltig-ressourcenschonende Sichtweisen verbinden und daraus der La Source Naturacademie ihren einzigartigen Charakter verleihen, ist eine Art augenblicklicher Summierung unseres eingesetzten Kapitals.
Dies muendet u.a. In die von uns entwickelte, ganzheitliche Heilmethode " Magix- Energetics", die in hohem Masse die Selbstheilungskraefte aktiviert und Heilungsprozesse einleitet, beschleunigt.
Own Capital
Sure - that we have already invested our whole capital, our ability in the la source nature academy:This means our nature -talents, our capabilities, our life experiences, also our phenomenal perceptions, which we have won - based on our own personal development - in the areas consciousness, traditional -holistic health-and healing -methods, modern medicinal sights and also in the fields of Anthroposophy, homeopathy, quantum physics and shamanism -healing-ways.
The fact, that we see ALL in a relationship and therefore combinating ecological - economic, social-ethic and sustainable - resource keeping sights, so that we give the Academy her unique character, is in result the balance from our invested capital.
This flows - for example- into the, from ourselves developed Healing method " Magix-Energetics", which activates - on a high level - the self healing forces and starts and speeds up the healing process.
Sure - that we have already invested our whole capital, our ability in the la source nature academy:This means our nature -talents, our capabilities, our life experiences, also our phenomenal perceptions, which we have won - based on our own personal development - in the areas consciousness, traditional -holistic health-and healing -methods, modern medicinal sights and also in the fields of Anthroposophy, homeopathy, quantum physics and shamanism -healing-ways.
The fact, that we see ALL in a relationship and therefore combinating ecological - economic, social-ethic and sustainable - resource keeping sights, so that we give the Academy her unique character, is in result the balance from our invested capital.
This flows - for example- into the, from ourselves developed Healing method " Magix-Energetics", which activates - on a high level - the self healing forces and starts and speeds up the healing process.
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